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Þegar ég svara fyrirspurnum fer svarið stundum í ruslapósthólfið ykkar megin. Athugið þar ef þið hafið ekki fengið svar frá mér eftir 48 tíma.

December 31st 2018:
New Years Eve at The Slipper Room, New York
January 4th:
The Slipper Room, New York
March 7th
Wilfredo's Wild Ride, The Crown, Baltimore -> tickets
March 10th
Slippery Sundays, Slipper Room, New York -> tickets
March 11th
Wilfredo a Go Go, Slipper Room, New York -> tickets
April 12th & 13th:
Kabaret Kopenhagen, Byens Lys, Christiana, Copenhagen
April 18th:
April 13th:
Workshops at Sweet Burlesque, Copenhagen
April 18th:
Big Broad Revue, Berlin
April 19th & 20th:
Heldeke, Tallin
April 25th:
Blunderland in London, Bethnal Workingmen's Club -> tickets
April 26th:
London Burlesque Festival -> tickets
Full calendar in Icelandic and English with all performances to be found here.
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